Thursday, November 10, 2011

Great Opportunity with lowest Risk in the World - Sri Lanka

Read Carefully! Try to understand. If not clear write back to me. I am searching for a Real Estate Tycoon or a Magnate.  Bur not a Financier, Lender, shareholder, a Partner or a Venture Capital Institution. I need someone who is willing to purchase Real Estates in Sri Lanka. He will be the owner or sole proprietor but nobody else and the little deeds will write to your personal name. I will be your "Fund Manager" or guide you what to buy at the correct time and at the correct price. Then I will guide you and assist you to earn a return from your investment. I have my own company which deals with selling and renting properties. If you invest on this I will let you use my expertise knowledge of last 28 years as Investment & Real Estate consultant. I don’t ask any money as a retainer, Salary or Royalty fee. I will charge you 10%from the total turnover and you will keep 90% as your stake. Further you will gain at least 20% as appreciation from the annual growth of the field. Your income will be little over 15% annually. And total annual gain approximately 35%. Also you are free from the 100% Tax exemption from the every purchase which every foreigner should pay to the Government. Not only that you will eligible to apply for SRI LANKAN CIIZENSHIP! You are eligible to enter into this investment if you have the capacity to spend for your ownership $ 5,000,000 to $ 10,000,000.Contact:

15% Annual Turnover
20% Annual  Capital Appreciation,
100% Tax Exemption from the Purchase.
Citizen Ship of  Sri Lanka.
Absolute Ownership of the properties
Any time Salable possibilities.
Mortgage facilities from Financial Institutions.
Prestige as an Investor. and a Real Estate Tycoon.